Chuan Jiang Medicine PC

5 Reasons to Consider a Lung Cancer Screening

Feb 05, 2024
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Cancer is a term that most of us would rather avoid thinking about. However, it’s hard to overestimate the value of early diagnosis and treatment for any type of cancer, including lung cancer. Screening makes that possible.

Lung cancer is a formidable adversary, often diagnosed at advanced stages when treatment options are limited. However, with advancements in medical technology, lung cancer screening has emerged as a valuable tool in early detection, offering more opportunities for a successful treatment outcome.

Pulmonologist Dr. Chuan Jiang in Flushing, New York, specializes in conditions that affect your respiratory health. Dr. Jiang strongly advocates lung cancer screening due to its many benefits.

Here are five reasons Dr. Jiang and his team give for considering routine lung cancer screening:

1. Early detection saves lives

The most significant advantage of lung cancer screening is its potential to detect the disease at an early, more treatable stage. Regular screenings can identify lung abnormalities before symptoms manifest, providing a window of opportunity for timely intervention.

Early detection through screening significantly improves the chances of successful treatment and survival.

2. High-risk populations benefit the most

Lung cancer screening is particularly beneficial for individuals at a high risk of developing the disease. This includes long-term smokers, individuals with a history of heavy smoking, and those with a family history of lung cancer.

The CDC recommends yearly lung cancer screening with a low-dose CT scan for high-risk individuals, including those who are over 50, have a 20-pack-year smoking history, smoke currently, or have quit within the last 15 years.

Dr. Jiang may consider other risk factors when recommending screening, such as a strong family history, long-term exposure to secondhand smoke, or other environmental exposures that increase your risk.

Screening allows health care professionals to closely monitor high-risk individuals, offering them a proactive approach to managing lung health.

3. Reduced mortality rates

Lung cancer screening can contribute to a reduction in mortality rates associated with the disease. By detecting lung cancer in its early stages, treatment options are more effective, leading to improved outcomes and increased chances of long-term survival.

4. Minimized treatment intensity

Early detection increases the chances of successful treatment and allows for less invasive and more targeted interventions. When lung cancer is identified at an advanced stage, treatments are often more aggressive and may involve extensive surgeries or therapies.

Screening helps minimize the intensity of treatment, resulting in improved quality of life for those diagnosed with lung cancer.

5. Cost-effective in the long run

While some may be concerned about the costs associated with lung cancer screening, it’s essential to consider the long-term financial implications. Treating lung cancer at advanced stages incurs significantly higher health care expenses than the cost of screening.

It’s impossible to gauge the value of a life affected by lung cancer. However, regular screenings can save on treatment costs while promoting better overall health outcomes.

Take a proactive approach to managing the risks associated with lung cancer. Schedule a visit with Dr. Jiang to learn more about your risk factors and the benefits of routine screening. Call the office or request an appointment online today.