Chuan Jiang Medicine PC

Pulmonary Function Testing

Board Certified Pulmonologist located in Queens, Flushing, NY

Pulmonary Function Testing

Pulmonary Function Testing services offered in Queens, Flushing, NY

Pulmonary function testing is essential for identifying problems in your lungs. Chuan Jiang, MD, offers the full spectrum of lung testing at his practice, Chuan Jiang Medicine PC, in Flushing, New York. Comprehensive in-office pulmonary function testing means that Dr. Jiang can promptly diagnose your lung condition and begin the treatment you need during a single visit. To learn more, call the office or schedule an appointment online today.

What is pulmonary function testing?

Pulmonary function testing includes a large number of tests showing how well your lungs work. Chuan Jiang Medicine PC has a state-of-the-art pulmonary function laboratory that allows Dr. Jiang to diagnose your lung problem in the office and develop a customized treatment plan that improves your ability to breathe.

When would I need pulmonary function testing?

Dr. Jiang performs pulmonary function testing to determine the cause of symptoms, such as shortness of breath, chest discomfort, difficulty taking a deep breath, wheezing, and chronic coughing.

The conditions often diagnosed through these tests include:


You may also need pulmonary function tests before being approved for lung surgery.

What type of pulmonary function testing might I receive?

Dr. Jiang chooses which tests to perform based on your symptoms and medical history. He may recommend one or more of the following:


Spirometry, the first test performed, measures the amount of air you can inhale and exhale when taking in a deep breath and exhaling as forcefully as possible.


Plethysmography measures the total air volume in your lungs.

Bronchoprovocation test

Bronchoprovocation shows how your airways react in response to increasing doses of methacholine, a substance that mimics asthma by tightening your airways.

Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction test

This test reveals the severity of exercise-induced asthma.

Fractional exhaled nitric oxide test

Exhaling a high amount of nitric oxide signals lung inflammation and asthma.

Arterial blood gas testing

This blood test shows carbon monoxide and oxygen levels.

Lung diffusion test

Lung diffusion testing measures how well your lungs send oxygen into your blood and remove carbon dioxide.

Pulse oximetry testing

Pulse oximetry measures blood oxygen levels in areas distant from your lungs.

Sputum induction

This procedure helps you cough up lung secretions so they can be tested.

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing with EKG stress test

A stress test shows how your lungs and heart work when you exercise on a treadmill, forcing them to push more oxygen and blood out to your body.

Six minute walk test

This test lets you walk at your own pace, going as far as you can in six minutes. Your oxygen levels and heart rate are monitored throughout the test. 

If you have difficulty breathing or any lung symptoms, call Chuan Jiang Medicine PC or schedule an appointment online today.